One of the main reasons why concrete cracks and sinks is because water gets under the slab and washes out...
Serving Southern New Hampshire, Middlesex and Essex Counties Massachusetts
One of the main reasons why concrete cracks and sinks is because water gets under the slab and washes out...
With people out and about enjoying the summer weather, concrete issues are more noticeable - and more annoying.
It's a great feeling to own a home and have a place to call your own. But when it is...
Bowing walls are a big deal - but they can be repaired by a foundation repair contractor like us. Here's...
Worried about hiring an irreputable contractor? Here are 5 ways you can spot a bad contractor and steer clear!
Over the years, poor contractors have left our current construction industry with a bad reputation. We're here to change that.
Ashamed of seeing your guests trip on that uneven concrete time and time again?
One of the best things about PolyLevel is that it helps keep tons of concrete out of our landfills -...
We want your home to be in better condition after we were there. This means fixing the problems with your...
Each time the ice thaws and the snow has melted, there could be lingering damage to your concrete.
There is one simple-but very important-thing to add to your Spring cleaning list: keeping your eyes open for signs of...
There is a reason foundation repair is not a typical do-it-yourself job for homeowners.
There are several reasons why sealing the concrete around your home is important.
Homeowners should know the difference between horizontal and vertical movement in their foundation walls and how it could impact their...
Company culture is crucial to us here at Erickson Foundation Supportworks. Here are three reasons we know we are on...
Waiting to long to have your crawlspace inspected may leave you with bigger concerns. So why put off improving the...
Learn how salt and sand could be impacting the concrete around your home. Spoiler alert: The key to protecting your...
Using your chimney this winter? Here's how your chimney might show you have an issue with your home's foundation.
Did you wait all year to get a foundation concern checked out? Here are three reasons why that's a bad...
There are many concrete safety concerns to consider around your home. If you're often having friends and family visit during...