Radon Extraction Point
An extraction point for radon gas was made in the home's foundation. Even with a finished basement, our crew takes the necessary steps to make the work minimally invasive to the home.

Interior Radon Pipe
PVC pipe was fit to the extraction point and constructed along the wall. The pipe was then cored through the foundation to the exterior of the home.

Radon Fan
The radon fan was connected to the pipe as it reaches the outside of the home. This fan draws radon gas from the soil underneath the home's foundation. A monometer is also installed to measure the effectiveness of the system, giving a visual representation that the system is working correctly.

Removing Radon Gas Above the Roofline
Additional PVC pipe was constructed from the radon fan above the roofline. This safely removes the hazardous gas away from any entry points of the home.

Custom Sump Pump Cover
Sometimes, sump pumps are installed without a cover. In homes where radon is prevalent, the gas can seep through the exposed area. To counteract this, we installed a custom sump pump cover, sealing everything to prevent and radon gas from seeping into the foundation.