Foundation Repair Photo Album: Geolocks to Save a Retaining Wall, Hudson, NH
Sharon H. of Hudson, New Hampshire was having an issue where the retaining wall was holding up the driveway was leaning considerably. Sharon didn't know she was having this issue until Design Specialist Paul Magowan came to the home to look at their garage Geolocks that were already installed. Paul proposed a solution to the retaining wall. The solution was what they already used to secure their garage foundation.
Crew Lead Scott Crandall and his team came to the home and installed the Geolocks.
Retaining Wall is Bowing
Wall is visible leaning out past the rock wall.
Geolock in and buried
Geolocks are inserted into the three holes that the team made.
All Three Geolocks in and Flattened
All of the Geolocks are installed and are flattened.