Exterior Crack Seal
The crack is filled with an expandable polymer foam, while on the outside is sealed with a dense layer of polyurethane.

GeoLock Cover
The GeoLock wall anchor is covered on the exterior.

Interior Push Piers
View of some of the push piers installed on the interior of the foundation wall. Others were installed on the exterior.

Push Piers / GeoLocks
View of Push Piers installed beneath the GeoLocks. The foundation wall was bowing out and settling at this corner.

GeoLocks for Bowing Wall
Beneath the garage floor the soils were pushing out and moving the foundation walls outward. GeoLock wall anchors were installed to prevent further movement.

House Settling Down Hill
View of the hill behind the home. As the soils of the hill wash downward, the home has gradually settled more and more over the years.

Foundation Knee Wall Crack
One of the several cracks within the foundation walls.

Sagging Beam and Crack
The central beam of the house was settling and causing uneven floors. Also in view is another large foundation crack, this one between the house wall and the garage floor.

Large Foundation Crack
Crack large enough to fit a hand through

Large Crack 2
Interior view of the large wall crack at the front of the foundation.