Before Bulkhead and Block Repair, Nashua, NH
This is what the Bulkhead looked like before any repairs were made.

Stairs Leading Up Through Bulkhead
This is what the bulkhead stairs look like before they were repaired. The cinderblocks were shifting and in danger of falling out of place.

Big Horizontal Crack in the Foundation Wall
Right above the workbench is a horizontal crack that runs the length of the wall caused by the wall bowing inward.

Power Braces Installed
The power braces were installed to reinforce the wall and stop it from bowing.

Blocks Redone Around Stairs
The Blocks around the stairs were redone so that the blocks weren't moving anymore.

Bulkhead was Installed
The bulkhead was installed on top of the new blocks.

Final Look with the Dirt
Final product with the dirt pushed back against the foundation and the bulkhead.