Bowing Foundation Wall
Top half of the wall is brick, the lwoer half is stone. The bottom part is bowing in significantly.

Bowing Wall pushing stairs
The bowing in this foundation wall were disrupting the stairs. In order for the stairs to be replaced, this section of the wall needed to be removed and replaced with new foundation blocks.

Before view bowing wall and sagging floor joists
This section of the condo unit had a bowing wall issue similar to the other section. It also had sagging floor joists, and so would require a structural beam to be added along with SmartJacks.

View of bowing wall
This picture shows where the new block wall meets the old bowing wall in the one section needing replacement by the stairs. The view of the old wall shows the severity of the bowing of the foundation wall.

Carbon Armor on new foundation wall
View of the Carbon Armor installed on the new foundation block wall. The Carbon Armor will prevent any future bowing of the wall.

PowerBrace on Bowing Wall
PowerBraces installed on bowing brick and stone foundation wall.

SmartJack and Supplemental Beam
Under the sagging floor, SmartJacks were installed beneath a supplemental, steel beam to provide additional support and to lift the floor slightly. The floor was aged, brittle concrete, and so the base of the SmartJacks were installed on top of engineered stones, new concrete poured in around afterwards.