Raised Foundation with Cracks
View of the cracks in the bowing foundation wall. A GeoLock steel rod is being inserted into the soils on the otherside of the wall, which will then be secured to an anchor to stabilize the wall.

GeoLocks on Raised Foundation
GeoLocks in place on a raised, bowing foundation wall.

Hole for GeoLock
The other side of the raised foundation wall was a garage space with a concrete slab. In order to reach the soils to install the GeoLock anchor, a hole needed to be dug to catch the steel rods coming through the soil.

Backfilling the GeoLock Hole
The hole for the GeoLock anchors was backfilled and compacted. To help with stabilizing the newly poured concrete which would be added to resurface the slab, rebar was installed first on top of the soil.

Resurfacing the Garage Slab
Once backfilled and reinforced with rebar, new concrete was used to resurface the garage slab to complete the project.