Widen the crack
Before attempting to seal very narrow cracks, the first step is to widen them with a masonry saw. This allows the seal to fill the crack completely.

Clean Surface Area
After cutting the cracks to be wider, the entire surface should be swept or vacuumed before the Nexus Pro crack sealer is installed.

Open up the cracks
View of the opened up cracks. All dust and particles must be vacuumed or swept away.

Applying the crack seal
Nexus Pro is placed into the cracks to seal them

NExus Pro Crack Seal
Nexus Po crack seal for garage floor cracks.

Smoothing the Crack Seal
After using the caulking gun to squeeze in the Nexus Pro crack seal, use a blade or knife of the appropriate width to push the seal downwards and spread it evenly within the crack. This creates a mostly finished look.

Smoothing the Crack Seal
Using dish or hand soap of some kind, the final step involves using the tip of the finger to smooth out the crack seal.

Completed Crack Seal
Photo taken one week after crack seal was applied. The crack seal is still smooth and clean, most dirt and particles not sticking to it.

View of completed crack seal
Photo taken one week after crack seal was applied. The crack seal is still smooth and clean, most dirt and particles not sticking to it.