Old Sump Pump
The sump pump previously installed in the home was unable capture water, which led to basement leaks and flooding. The homeowners needed a reliable sump pump that would keep the basement dry at all times.

Basement Interior Drainage System
WaterGuard was installed along the interior perimeter of the basement. This system is designed to collect water before being exposed to the basement space, filtering the unwanted water to the sump pump.

Basement Surface Drainage
TrenchDrain was installed to collect any water that may enter through the basement door's entrance. This system seamlessly integrates to WaterGuard, creating one path for water to be delivered to the sump pump.

Sump Pump with Battery Backup Pump
The TripleSafe Sump Pump system was installed to reliably remove water from the basement. This sump pump includes a primary, secondary, and battery-operated backup pump. This ensures that during heavy storms, snowmelt, and even power outages, the basement will remain perfectly dry.

Frozen Discharge Line Prevention
Water exits the home through a discharge line. IceGuard is installed to the discharge line to allow water to flow freely despite freezing temperatures. This eliminates the possibility of the discharge line backing up and flooding the basement.

Bubbler Pot
A bubbler pot was installed to the end of the discharge line, allowing water to better drain into the soil. This prevents water from puddling on the lawns surface. The discharge line is then buried, preserving the lawn's appeal.