Broken Sump Pump
The sump pump system previously installed in the home lacked the ability to channel water and remove it from the home. This left the basement prone to leaks and flooding. The lack of an airtight lid also opened up the door to increased humidity levels, which can result in mold growth and a musty space.

Interior Drainage System Preparation
Before starting work on the project, our crew covered all personal belongings. When removing concrete from the perimeter of the basement, dust can settle as a result. We value a clean and safe workspace, attentively striving to leave it cleaner than when we arrived.

How the Basement Drainage System Works
WaterGuard is an interior French Drain style system. It is installed along the perimeter of the basement to collect water before accessing the space. The water that is collected by this waterproofing system is then delivered to the sump pump to be removed from the home.

Basement Drainage System Finished Installation
After the WaterGuard system is tested to ensure proper flow to the sump pump, it is cemented into place. We lay cement to grade, creating a smooth and flat surface with our discrete yet effective drainage system in place.

Surface Drainage System
Some areas of the home require a surface drainage system to most effectively collect water. For this basement, TrenchDrain was installed to collect and divert water around immovable utilities.

Doorway Drainage System
TrenchDrain was also utilized to collect water at the basement entrance. This photo shows how TrenchDrain and WaterGuard seamlessly integrate to create one drainage system.

Sump Pump with Battery Backup
Our TripleSafe Sump Pump was connected to the WaterGuard system to pump water out of the basement. This system has three pumps, including a battery-powered backup pump to remove all water that is collected. With these high-powered pumps, heavy rains and snowmelt no longer lead to a wet basement, even during power outages!

Optimal Discharge Line
Water is pumped out of the home through a discharge line. In order to prevent the discharge line from freezing, IceGuard is installed. This mechanism allows water to flow freely despite cold temperatures or blockages, ensuring no backups occur. This further guarantees that the basement is safe from flooding.

Curb Appeal
A bubbler pot was installed to the end of the discharge line to effectively dispose water into the soil. The bubbler pot prevents water from pooling on the lawn's surface. The discharge line is then buried, maintaining the visual appeal of the lawn.