Basement Concrete Removal
The concrete around the basement's perimeter was removed to make room for the installation of WaterGuard. To protect against the dust generated by this process, our crew carefully covered the stored items in the basement with plastic.

Basement Perimeter Drainage Installation
WaterGuard has been installed along the foundation walls to intercept water before it can enter the basement, directing it to the sump pump. The WaterGuard system is situated within crushed stone to aid in this process.

Basement Drainage System Finished Installation
After the drainage system is tested, it is cemented in place.

Drainage System and Sump Pump Seamless Integration
The WaterGuard drainage system integrates flawlessly with the existing sump pump, capturing water from every direction in the basement and directing it to the sump pump. The sump pump then expels the water from the house.

Surface Drainage at Bulkhead Stairs
Our TrenchDrain surface drainage system has been installed at the front of the bulkhead steps to capture any water that may enter from the bulkhead entrance. TrenchDrain is designed to connect seamlessly to the WaterGuard, directing water flow efficiently to the sump pump.