Old Sump Pump
The sump pump previously installed in the basement was unable to capture all the water from the high water table that surrounded the foundation.
Chipping Out Interior Perimeter of the Basement
Our installation crew chipped out the perimeter of the basement in order to allow space for WaterGuard to be installed.
Debris Removal
The installation team meticulously cleared the chipped concrete, deposited it into buckets, and transported it to the company truck. They ensured the work area was kept exceptionally clean.
WaterGuard Installation
WaterGuard is positioned within a layer of crushed stone to facilitate efficient drainage towards the sump basin.
WaterGuard Finished Install
After verifying that water can be collected and directed to the sump pump, the WaterGuard system is then permanently cemented into position.
TrenchDrain Surface Drainage
A TrenchDrain system has been installed at the base of the bulkhead steps because the area is not suitable for WaterGuard installation. TrenchDrain is connected to the WaterGuard system, ensuring the continuity of water flow towards the sump basin.
TripleSafe Sump Pump
The TripleSafe sump pump system was installed in the area of the basement most affected by severe leaks. It includes a primary pump, a secondary pump, and a battery-operated backup pump, ensuring continuous water evacuation from the property.
SuperSump Installation
The SuperSump sump pump has been installed in the other section of the basement, which is beneficial for areas still vulnerable to water exposure, albeit to a lesser extent.
Exterior Discharge Line with IceGuard
Water is expelled from the home to a secure location via an exterior discharge line. IceGuard is fitted to the plumbing system to stop water from freezing in the pipe, thereby preventing basement flooding due to a backed-up system. Additionally, a bubbler pot is installed at the end of the discharge line to distribute water evenly and avoid puddling.
Buried Exterior Discharge Line
The discharge line has been buried to ensure an aesthetically pleasing finish.