Basement Flooding
Here, water can be seen on the basement floor. This completely ruined the flooring and walls, which had to get demoed as a result.

WaterGuard Perimeter Drainage
This is what the WaterGuard system looks like once it is fully installed. Our installation crew chips out about 8 inches of concrete away from the foundation wall in order to make space for the system. After concrete is removed, WaterGuard is put in place along crushed stone. Once connected to the sump pump system, it is cemented in place.

Feed Line Installation
A feed line was installed to distribute water from an already existing sump pump to this basin. The sump pump in the picture did not function properly in order to remove water from the home, and was replaced with our TripleSafe sump pump system.

TripleSafe Sump Pump Installation
The feed line was attached to our TripleSafe sump pump system. This system is composed of three pumps. The first pump handles normal levels of water at a rate of 1/3 horsepower. A second pump is activated in events such as heavy rains or snow melting, where higher levels of water occur. A third battery-backup pump turns on in emergency situations, such as a power outage. The TripleSafe system can easily dispose of water coming from the WaterGuard system and feed line.

EverLast Wall Restoration
Now that the basement will remain dry, the fear of flooring and wall damage is eliminated. Our team installed EverLast walls, which are immune to mold and moisture damage. They also provide a great finished look.