Interior Basement Drainage System
WaterGuard was installed along the perimeter of the foundation to intercept water before it is able to access the basement. Once the water is collected, it is then distributed to the sump pump system.
Surface Drainage System
There are some areas of the basement that are not suitable for WaterGuard, such as behind utilities like this oil tank. This is the perfect opportunity to utilize TrenchDrain. TrenchDrain collects water along the foundation floor's surface and connects to WaterGuard to form one flow of water to the sump pump basin.
Sump Pump with Drainage System
The UltraSump Sump Pump connects to the drainage system. As water fills in the basin, it is pumped out of the home. To ensure that water can be pumped out of the home at all times, a battery-backup pump is included in our waterproofing system.
Frozen Discharge Line Prevention
Water exits the home through a discharge line. IceGuard is installed on the discharge line on the exterior of the home, allowing water to flow freely during freezing temperatures. By preventing the discharge line from backing up, the basement is even further protected from flooding.
Bubbler Pot
A bubbler pot was installed to the end of the discharge line to efficiently dispose of water within the lawn's soil. This prevents water from pooling on the lawn's surface. After this installation is complete, this discharge line is buried to preserve the lawn's appeal.