Existing Sump Pump
The sump pump already installed in the home was unable to capture all the water surrounding the foundation on its own. This led to basement leaks in their partially finished space.
Interior French Drain Installation
WaterGuard was installed along the interior perimeter of the basement. This system is designed to capture water before it is exposed to the space. After collected the unwanted water, it is distributed to the sump pump.
Surface Drainage System
TrenchDrain was installed in front of the bulkhead entrance to collect water on the basement's surface. TrenchDrain connects to WaterGuard, creating one path of water to flow to the sump pump.
Drainage System Tied into Sump Pump
The sump pump sits at the lowest point of the basement. WaterGuard is installed in a way that creates a downward flow of water to the basin. As you can see in the photo, WaterGuard integrates perfectly into the existing sump. As water fills in the sump pump's basin, it is pumped out of the home.