Basement Supports Before SmartJacks, Groveland, MA
This is what the supports looked like before SmartJacks were installed.
Another Example of the Supports in the Basement
Example of a temporary support post along with brick and wooden supports.
Small Metal Pole
A small metal pole is being used as a support.
Dig Holes for SmartJack Footing
After mapping out where each SmartJack will go you must dig holes for each footing.The crew has to fill the holes with engineered fill so that the weight of the SmartJack is holding is equally distributed.
Dug Hole Filled with Engineered Fill
After the hole was dug to the desired depth they fill the hole with the engineered fill to support the footing.
Repour Concrete
The team will repour concrete to seal up the hole and make sure the footing won't ever move.
Top of SmartJack, Groveland, MA
The top of the SmartJack is secured to the beam it is supporting and the height of the SmartJack can be adjusted by tightening or loosening that nut just below where the SmartJack was secured.