Clean Air in the Office
Clean Air to Breathe

Take a deep breath.
Go ahead, take another while you're at it. Sometimes we need to slow down, take a breath, and relax for a moment. Recharge, and get energized to get going again. Especially if you're having a hectic day at the office.
Let's take a deeper look into what just happened though. Depending on where you are and the quality of air in your workspace, you may have just inhaled allergens, pet dander, smoke, a virus, or another germ. Usually, when we consider the quality of the air we breathe, we're thinking about our homes and where we lay our heads at night. However, for a good number of people, for 7 to 8 hours a day, they are breathing in the air within their workspace or office. Do you fall into this category?
When we think of our places of work, and what makes them enjoyable or comfortable, we often think of several factors;
- office layout (feng shui anyone?)
- the comfort of furniture
- clean floors, clean bathrooms
- safety
- and for some, game rooms and slides (lucky Googlers!)
But what about what we don't see, like the quality of the air we're breathing?
So let's go back to that deep breath you took moments ago. What can be done to ensure the air you breathe indoors at your workplace is clean and pure throughout the year? Fortunately, the Aspen Air Purifier is an effective solution.
The Aspen offers a unique, 3-stage air filtration process. Each stage utilizes a different filter that removes various pollutants from the air you're breathing. This 3-stage system is important to note because there is not a single filter capable of removing all types of pollutants. The 3 different types of filters are key to ensuring the air flowing through the Aspen air purifier is reentering your space after having been removed;
- allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, and mold.
- odors, VOCs, smoke, and more.
- viruses, and 99.9% of particles down to 0.1 microns.
The Aspen Air Purifier can help create a safer, healthier office space, by drastically improving the quality of the air indoors.
On top of that, the system is efficient and safe. The technology is top-notch and uses up to 85% less electricity than traditional fans. The filters are also simple to change and easy to access for quick maintenance by anyone in the office.

So, whether you're a business owner looking to improve the quality of life for your employees, or if you're looking to present an effective, air purification system to your boss and colleagues, the Aspen Air Purifier is the ideal system.